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Workplace training should emphasize efficiency with eLearning development

By August 16th, 2024No Comments

The term “lean” is not one that many organizations would apply to their training or recruiting efforts. However, like many other business aspects, instruction and education are becoming leaner and more streamlined every day. One reason for this is the availability of custom eLearning development and training software.

A study by human resource consultants Bersin and Associates found that company spending on employee training in the U.S. has dropped by 21 percent since 2009, according to the Buffalo Law Journal, yet the number of training hours that each learner received has increased in that same timeframe by about 13 percent.

A large part of this discrepancy can be attributed to the prevalence of eLearning training tools. When workers receive instruction with digital tools and devices, they’re able to learn more efficiently and in shorter periods of time. While the initial investment in custom software application development may seem high, it’s clear that the price tag is well worth it in the long run. Consider implementing an eLearning program that is based on software and custom development to make training an integral component in company-wide efforts to go lean.

Contact Christy Beiermann at or 1.309.263.7595 and ask for an eLearning demo today!