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All types of workers can be trained with eLearning software

By August 15th, 2024No Comments

There are many different ways to evaluate employees, but one of the most effective might be the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This kind of evaluation was developed during World War II when many people who hadn’t previously worked were joining the workforce out of patriotism. However, they didn’t always enjoy their work, so Myers-Briggs tests were developed, based on the works of psychoanalyst Carl Jung, to put them in the right sort of roles.

Companies don’t have to go out of their way to test every single staff member to understand what sort of worker each one is, but it is important to understand that four variables that define the way people perform tasks can be combined to create 16 different personality types. Fortunately, eLearning software development can be used to addressed the different types of personalities that these variables create, despite the fact that they combine with very different results in different people.

Introversion and extroversion
The first part of a Myers-Brigg type refers to how withdrawn or outgoing a person is. This might not seem applicable to work, but it informs quite a bit about how employees should be assigned to tasks. More importantly, it has important implications for how their training should be conducted.

An introverted worker isn’t just someone who works alone – he’s better at long periods of quiet study. This allows the introvert to puzzle out a task in his own manner, which is contrast to the extrovert who prefers to discuss things in a group and talk out the solution. Training software is useful for both personnel who would prefer to do things by themselves and those that need the input of others to be successful.

Sensory and intuitive
Workers will often differ in the way that they see the world around them, though one isn’t necessarily more correct than the other. A sensory-minded individual is only capable of making assumptions about things that can actually be seen, heard or felt. These kinds of people are more empirical and will want to see a lot of information presented before them when they’re learning. Intuitive workers make illogical leaps and learn through trial and error. Custom software development and simulation training can offer both the chance to discover successful techniques and methods using their own preferred sorts of exploration.

Feeling and thinking
There are all kinds of people who are needed to make a company function, which is why it’s acceptable for both feeling and thinking people to be employed. A feeler is a person who prefers harmony and structure in their workplace and will strive to make sure that colleagues and coworkers are working in tandem with one another. Such people often fall into support roles and are good and helping projects move forward. On the other hand, a thinker looks for respect rather than harmony and is very adept at offering constructive criticism of others and of general processes. Use eLearning development programs for each type. A feeler will be able to complete group tests and challenges, while a thinker might decide to find alternative solutions on her own.

Judging and perceiving
The difference between these two qualities basically breaks down to organization versus intuition. A judging trainee will quickly adopt a model for how something that he is learning works and will continually apply new information to the paradigm to slightly alter it. Conversely, perceiving students are hesitant to come up with concrete ideas and always let information be added fluidly to their understanding of concepts. An eLearning simulation solution works for both because it doesn’t contradict either’s pattern of learning. Judging people can continually confirm their original understanding of how to accomplish a task (so long as it’s accurate), while perceivers will simply add new information.

Employee profiles
It is easy to see how these variables will affect employee training. Someone who is considered an ISFP will likely be withdrawn during training, prefer to experiment on her own to find out how something works and keep an open mind along the way. Conversely, an ESTJ type would rather work in a group using known information to confirm an existing working model of a problem. It is easy to see how methods such as custom eLearning development can help organizations to keep these two types (and the additional 14 in between) working together and fully trained.

Talk with one of our experts today or call 1.309.263.7595 and ask for an eLearning and simulation demo today!