Companies that aren’t sure whether or not their operations would benefit from the adoption of custom software development should consider that there are benefits that go well beyond the teaching of specific techniques and skills. While workers will be able to understand particular processes more deeply after they’ve taken eLearning courses, they’ll also be prepared for the commercial challenges of the imminent future.
For example, a study by the McKinsey Global Institute estimates that there will be a shortfall of around 1.8 employees who are capable of performing digital analysis by 2018. This essentially means that too few members of the workforce will be able to use modern business software optimally, making enterprises that are increasingly relying on commercial applications vulnerable to under-staffing and increased training costs.
By deploying eLearning development programs early, companies will be preparing their employees and infrastructures for the increasing amount of software that is overtaking many non-traditional industries. For example, contractors and construction workers may soon be using tablets to analyze worksites and facilities. Without some eLearning foundation, they’ll be unable to adopt the tools for future work that are necessary to make a company successful.
Talk with one of our experts today or call 1.309.263.7595 and ask for an eLearning and simulation demo today!